Join us June 8 -- for free!
Hang out with us on Zoom for a casual and informative (and free!) hour of B.S.-busting, actionable intel and resources, Q&A, and general merriment.
On Thursday, June 8th at 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern, we'll be discussing:
The many (and pervasive) myths about soy: "it has estrogen-like effects", "it'll give men man-boobs", etc. How can we bust these, once and for all?
What do you say to someone who has fears about soy?
The health benefits of soy
The "whole foods only" movement within veganism, and why it might not be entirely beneficial
Processed foods: what are they? Should we avoid them?
And of course, you'll get to ask all your burning health and fitness questions, and meet us in person! (Well, on the interwebs. But you know what we mean.)
Sign up below to get our top-secret Zoom link. We're looking forward to seeing you on June 8th!
Sign up to be a VIP insider and we'll send you the Zoom link before the workshop!
Check out our vegan fitness and nutrition coaching programs!