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NBSV 189: Strength coach Meghan Callaway on training with (and bouncing back from) injuries

Time for a catch-up with strength coach extraordinaire and overall powerhouse Meghan Callaway! Cat news! Injury and recovery news (from both Meghan and me)! Business news! We cover it all.

Meghan Callaway is a coach with 21 years of experience, a life-long athlete, and an animal lover. Her Ultimate Pull-Ups program has been featured in the New York Times, and has been followed by thousands of people in almost 90 countries since it was released in 2017. Meghan grew up playing sports, including making the majors baseball all-star team that competed to qualify for the little league world series. She was the only girl in the entire league. She also played competitive soccer for 27 years.

In her later 30s (and continuing now, in her mid-40s), Meghan achieved incredible feats of strength in calisthenics exercises like muscle-ups, pull-ups, pistol squats, back levers, and more.

Tune in here:

Important topics we discussed:

>> Meghan’s 3 E’s when communicating with her audience: education, empowerment, and excitement

>> Our respective injuries, and how we've adapted our training

>> Cats, coaching/business, and more

Connect with Meghan:

>> Meghan's website

>> Meghan on Instagram

Mentioned in the episode:

>> Meghan was featured on episode 3 and episode 41 of the show!

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Episode transcript:

Access a full transcript of the episode here.

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