I’m honoured to have The Plant-Powered Dietitian, Sharon Palmer, on the show today. Her award-winning career combines her 2 great loves: nutrition and writing. She’s authored over 950 articles for a variety of publications, as well as 2 books. Sharon serves as the editor of the acclaimed health newsletter Environmental Nutrition, and nutrition editor for Today’s Dietitian. She blogs daily for her 35,000-member online community, and she serves as a judge for the prestigious James Beard Journalism Awards. She’s currently attending graduate school in order to obtain a Masters Degree in Sustainable Food Systems.
Sharon is here to bust 3 myths for us: 2 are about nutrition (specifically B12 and calcium), and one is more broadly about veganism - the myth that there's no point going vegan, because most people don't stay vegan.
Important topics and points you don't want to miss:
>> Why B12 is important, and how to make sure you're getting enough. (Get your annual blood test!)
>> How to make sure you're taking in enough calcium. (Use a food tracking app!)
>> Research that's been done on vegans and calcium intake. Did you know that vegans overall have a higher risk for osteoporosis and bone fracture than non-vegans? And did you know that when calcium intake is factored into the equation, our risk is the same as everyone else's? So make sure you get your calcium!
>> The myth that most vegans don't stay vegan. Sharon shares her thoughts on why this might happen, and staying vegan long term.
>> From a dietitian's perspective, the specific ins and outs of planning a vegan diet that fuels your health and fitness goals.
Sharon's favourite vegan meals [recipes]:
Connect with Sharon:
>> YouTube
Sharon's books:
Download Karina's 350-item vegan grocery list!
Need inspiration for healthy plant-based eating? Need to spice up your daily meal routine? Download your free vegan grocery list! With more than 350 healthy items (some of which might be new to you), you'll be a vegan nutrition superhero in no time.
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