Michelle Schwegmann and Josh Hooten founded Herbivore, a T-shirt design company, in 2002 as a means of providing stylish clothing to spread the message of animal rights. They opened a retail store in 2006, and in 2007 were one of four businesses that established Portland’s vegan mini-mall. Other projects include publishing books and magazines (including the vegan lifestyle magazine Herbivore from 2003 to 2007) as well as organizing and attending animal rights and vegetarian conferences and festivals nationwide.
Their new cookbook, Eat Like You Give a Damn, is a must-have for new vegans, with recipes that are accessible, delicious, and family-friendly.
Important topics and points you don't want to miss:
>> The history of Herbivore, one of the world's most well-known vegan stores.
>> Michelle's approach to vegan parenting.
>> How Michelle's approach to veganism has changed over the years.
Connect with Michelle:
>> Herbivore on Instagram
>> Michelle and Josh on YouTube
Episode transcript:
Access a full transcript of this episode here.
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