A big thank you to Dr. Reed Mangels for joining me on the show! She's a registered dietitian with a doctorate degree in nutrition - and a world authority on raising vegan children. She coauthored two position papers on vegetarian/vegan diets for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, has authored numerous books, serves as a nutrition advisor for the Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG), and as nutrition editor for the VRG's Vegetarian Journal.
In this episode of the podcast, we discuss 4 myths about vegan nutrition for children. Whether you’re currently raising vegan children, whether you want to make the transition to veganism as a family, whether you’re interested in raising vegan children in the future, or whether - like me - you’re just interested in the research (which, as we all know, can be very useful when we’re asked questions by people who are skeptical of veganism) - I’m sure Reed’s knowledge and practical tips will be useful for you.
This episode can also help listeners whose children are older, and have chosen on their own to go vegan. Many parents don't know how to deal with this other than to remove animal products from their child's diet. Don't make this mistake! Learn how to ensure your child is getting the nutrition he/she/they needs.
Important topics and points you don't want to miss:
>> Myth #1: Vegan diets aren't safe for kids. We discuss the research that’s been conducted in this area, and the types of research Reed would like to see in the future.
>> Myth #2: Very low fat vegan diets are the best diet for children.
>> Myth #3: Vegan kids need to use protein powder to get enough protein.
>> Myth #4: Soy is unhealthy for children to consume.
>> Reed's top 3 practical nutrition tips for listeners who are raising vegan children (or who want to in the future).
Reed's books:
Additional resources:
>> Reed is a nutrition advisor for the Vegetarian Resource Group
>> The Vegetarian Resource Group's parents and kids Facebook group
>> Veganhealth.org, for whom Reed volunteers
Download Karina's 350-item vegan grocery list!
Need inspiration for healthy plant-based eating? Need to spice up your daily meal routine? Download your free vegan grocery list! With more than 350 healthy items (some of which might be new to you), you'll be a vegan nutrition superhero in no time.
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