Should kids be eating a plant-based diet? Will kids who are vegan be inherently more prone to vitamin deficiencies? We’re jumping into these questions and more on today’s podcast episode.
Dr. Leigh Ettinger has been a medical doctor since 1998 but did not learn about the plant-based diet until 2014. He made changes in his own eating and quickly saw the benefits.
He’s earned a certificate in plant-based nutrition from eCornell and is now board certified in obesity medicine. He enjoys helping families successfully change course to a plant-strong path for their health, for the animals, for social justice, and for the environment.
Important topics we discussed:
>> Some parents are concerned about feeding their kids a 100% plant-based diet. Dr. Ettinger shares some things he'd tell parents who might fear things like nutrient deficiencies.
>> Dr. Ettinger’s work with young patients and their families, and how a vegan diet factors in.
>> Dr. Ettinger’s experience of the benefits of a plant-based diet for cycling
Connect with Dr. Ettinger:
>> Dr. Ettinger's website
Mentioned in the episode:
>> Whole Communities, hosted by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies
Episode transcript:
Access a full transcript of the episode here.
Get not one--but two--vegan personal trainers!

Only a few spots available! If you're ready to level-up your fitness and vegan nutrition, our award-winning coaching programs are for you.
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We’ll create a nutrition action plan that lets you eat your favourite foods, while supporting both your fitness and your physique goals. Most importantly, we'll provide an in-depth support and coaching system to keep you accountable and moving toward your goals.
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