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NBSV 089: Tobias Sjösten on setting goals (or not), making & tracking progress, and creating habits

Vegan coach Tobias Sjösten

Tobias returns to the show to bust myths about the “new year, new you” concept. We both love nerding out on tracking progress, optimizing our habits, and setting goals, so we had a freestyle discussion about all of this. When are goals useful? When *shouldn’t* we set goals? How do we best track progress? Tobias leads Athlegan, a team of passionate vegan athletes who are trying to change the world by helping more people become strong and fit vegans.

Here’s our discussion:

Important topics and points you don't want to miss:

>> When goals are useful (and when we shouldn't set goals)

>> What is the most effective method to actually track progress?

>> Why the whole "new year, new year" concept is inherently problematic

Connect with Tobias:

>> Tobias' website

>> Tobias on Instagram

>> Tobias on Facebook

Mentioned in this episode:

>> A guide to before-and-after photos

Episode transcript:

Access a full transcript of this episode here.


Get not one--but two--vegan fitness and nutrition coaches!

Vegan fitness coach Zoe Peled
Vegan fitness and nutrition coach Karina Inkster

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To share your thoughts: Comment on the episode's Facebook post.

Interview video:

Watch the video of my interview with Tobias here.

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